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According to the Mayo Clinic, more than half of all adults deal with chronic dry skin. It presents in many different ways—flakes, cracking, wrinkles, roughness and many more symptoms. Most people spend countless dollars on expensive moisturizers with exotic ingredients, only to see marginal improvement. What they don’t realize is that natural compounds like honey and beeswax are often the best solution to treating chronic dryness. Why? Because they treat the root causes of dry skin.
There are many causes of dry skin, which is why it’s such a hard condition to combat. Here’s a quick list of some of the most common causes of dry skin:
These are only some of the most common causes of dry skin—there are many more. The one thing they all have in common, however, is how they affect your skin’s ability to absorb and retain moisture. This is where honey and beeswax shine.
Honey and beeswax are natural examples of humectants and emollients. Humectants and emollients serve two important purposes: they moisturize the skin and help it retain that moisture over time. If you’re someone suffering from chronic dry skin, humectants and emollients are an important part of everyday skin care.
Honey and beeswax are equally important in tending to your dry skin. They each serve their own individual purpose, and work together to fortify skin in amazing ways. Here’s a look at the benefits of both:
Together, honey and beeswax fight some of the most common causes of dry skin in three phases: they clean, hydrate and protect. For chronic dry skin sufferers, this is exactly the skincare regimen they need each day.
You don't have to live with dry skin anymore- Bee Cream will moisturize your skin.
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