This FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section exists as a resource for our valued customers. We hope you'll find it both helpful and informative. For additional questions, comments or concerns please submit an entry in the form below, or contact us directly: 1-800-343-8091. Your feedback drives our innovation.
Why Beeswax? We use the most pure/raw beeswax we can produce because that’s where skin nutrition begins. Beeswax is said to contain antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties to help repair dry skin, cuts, burns, rashes and chapped lips. Through skin absorption, beeswax has been known to reduce signs of aging, allergies, hay fever and even arthritis. Beeswax really locks in the moisture your skin needs and naturally preserves our Bee Balm Creams, soaps, and lotions. Additionally raw, properly treated beeswax contains propolis and small amounts of royal jelly which both heavy hitters in the skin nutrition. If you can ingest honey, then our pure Ohio beeswax is safe for you. Always consult a physician if you’re uncertain.
Tell me about your Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Our EVOO is sourced at the high-end/food-grade level. EVOO is a well-known gentle moisturizer for the skin. Many skincare lines use mineral oil and petroleum products (because it's cheap) that will actually pull moisture out of the skin over time. Great EVOO has a high Polyphenol count. Polyphenols are super antioxidants. In addition to the anti-aging properties of polyphenols, they also contain strong anti-inflammatory properties.
What are Therapeutic Essential Oils? If it has a scent it's either its fragrance oil or it’s an essential oil. Fragrance oils are manufactured in a lab; found in scented candles, deodorizer plug-in, and cheap perfumes. If you’ve been in bath & body store and got a headache, this is why. Pure therapeutic essential oils come directly from plants. Primarily extracted through careful steam distillation but also through cold pressing, the purest essential oils are far more powerful than the botanicals from which they were extracted because of the heavy concentration. We use them first for their wonderful skin properties, but also to provide that scent you love.
Certified Organic & Non-GMO. Many of the herbs and botanicals we use are certified organic, and all are of Non-GMO origin. Even though our hives are treated with organic best practices, we don’t certify our products organic. Organic beeswax is technically impossible because bees cannot be confined to a single area. Given the dire state of the bee these days- we take every step ensure that our hard working friends can thrive. We do however list our certified organic ingredients on each product. In fact, we grow many of the herbs we use on our own farm to ensure this quality. Our recipes are not random or to achieve what is most popular in the market- but rather what brings the most skin nutrition to our family and yours.
What is Calendula? Aside from some of our most popular products- Calendula is an herb (marigold) for beautiful skin. However, Calendula is not just known for its beauty: Calendula creams and washes are still used to disinfect minor wounds and to treat infections of the skin. The antibacterial properties of the plant make it extremely useful in treating slow-healing cuts and cuts in people who have compromised immune systems. The herb stimulates the production of collagen at wound sites and minimizes scarring. No wonder it works for most skin ailments under the sun!
Fragrance Free. Morning Song Gardens provides many fragrance free product options to its customers. We know that even though everything we do is natural, that some skin types are extremely sensitive even to organic herbs and therapeutic essential oils. That’s why these products are the bare essentials of beeswax and EVOO. Always check with your physician before using anything you’re unsure of, or conduct a patch test in-home. Remember- Fragrance free is not unscented, but simply lacks ingredients that may make it fragrant.